“Legendary Tango Weekend” with master instructors & world-renowned dancers from Argentina
Lorena Ermocida & Pancho Martinez Pey
Privates classes available April 26th through 29th. Schedule now!
info@esquinatango.org or text/call (512) 524-2772

Lorena and Pancho’s trajectory and work together
Lorena & Pancho started dancing together in September participating in the “Sydney Tango Salon Festival” in Australia.
“Bailemos Tango Festival” in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
“VII Florianopolis Tango Biennial” Florianópolis – Brazil.
“Lady’s Tango Week”
Special Tango Waltz and Milonga Seminars during March and April in the city of Buenos Aires
Tour of Italy: they participated as Jury and teachers in the Second Italian Tango Championship Festival, held in the city of Terracina; Classes and exhibition in Torino at the Milonga “Club Almagro” and in Verona, in the city of Bardolino at the Nuevo Tango School.
“Sunny Tango Festival” in the city of Crete, Greece.
Seminars in the city of Geneva in Switzerland and Rome, Udine, and Pescara in Italy. “Tango Woche” Festival in Zurich, Switzerland.
Juries in the Semifinals of the Metropolitan Tango Salon Championship and the Final of the World Tango Championship in the Tango Salon Category in Buenos Aires.
“Sydney Tango Salon Festival” in Australia.
During the rest of the year, they gave various seminars and exhibitions in Buenos Aires.
“Nora’s Tango Week Festival” San Francisco, USA.
“11th Senegallia Tango Festival” (Italy).
Seminar and exhibition in Rome, Italy.
“7 Tango Sun Festival” Riga and Jurmala in Latvia.
“Tango World Fivizzano” Fivizzano, Italy.
In Buenos Aires they held various intensive seminars, exhibitions and group classes at the Milongas Yira Yira and Parakultural and Viva la Pepa.
European tour – Genova, Rome, Udine.
Classes in “La Bicicleta” Tango Practice – Buenos Aires, Argentina. Classes at “Yira Yira Milonga” – Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“VIII Florianópolis Tango Biennial” Florianópolis – Brazil
“Tango Salon Extremo 2015” – Classes and Exhibition, Buenos Aires, Argentina. “I Looking for You Tango Festival” Valencia – Spain
“8 Tango Sun Festival” Jurmala – Latvia
“TanoTango Festival 2015” Napoli – Italy
“New Life Tango” School Udine – Italy
“Tango Salon Extremo 2016” Tango Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Classes at “Cheek to Cheek”, “Salon Canning”, “La Bicicleta”, “La Baldosa”, “El Marabú”, “Porteño y Bailarín” – Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Tango Salón Extremo Cordobés” 1st. Edition – Classes and Exhibition, Córdoba Capital, Argentina.
“CITA – International Congress of Argentine Tango” Classes and Exhibition – Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Torino Tango Festival” Classes and Exhibition – Torino, Italy.
“La Spezia Tango Show” – La Spezia, Italy.
“The Land of Tango” Tango School in Moscow – Tango Classes, Exhibition and Show – Moscow, Russia.
“Bariloche Tango Fest 2016” Classes and Exhibition – Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina.
Tango Exhibitions at Milongas “La Viruta Tango”, “Club Fulgor”, “La Bruja”, “Yira Yira”, “La Baldosa” – Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Juries in Preliminary “La Plata” of the 2016 World Tango Championship – City of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Istanbul Tango Express 2016” Classes and Exhibition – Istanbul, Turkey.
“Tango Zotto Academy” Classes and Exhibition – Milan, Italy.
“7th. Milonga de Milongas” Classes and Exhibition in Marbella, Spain.
“Patagonic Tango Meeting 2016” Classes and Exhibition – San Martin de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina.
“1st. Dancing in the Caribbean” Coast Theme Cruise – Classes and Exhibition on board in the Caribbean.
Tango classes at “Cheek to Cheek” and “Milonga a la Parrilla”. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Milonga Seminar at “La Discépolo”. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tango Seminar at the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Pablito’s Tango Festival” Classes and Exhibition – Sydney, Australia. “Tanguisimo” School and Milonga, 9* Anniversary – Classes and Exhibition – Taipei,
“Kaohsiung Tango Festival” Classes and Exhibition – Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
“4* Seoul Metropolitan Tango championship & Festival 2017” Soeul, Korea, Judges and classes.
Classes and Exhibition en Beijing, China.
“IX Bienal de Tango de Florianópolis” Florianópolis, Brazil.
“Tango Salon Extremo 2017” , Buenos Aires, Argentina. “Bariloche Tango Fest 2017” Classes and Exhibition – Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina.
“La Milonga del Este”
Classes and Exhibition at Milonga “Derecho Viejo” in Club Gricel and at Práctica “Cheek to Cheek” ad “Yira Yira Milonga”.
Classes at “Milonga a la Parrilla”.
Exhibition at ”La Milonga del Mundo” Club Pedro Echagüe, “Viva la Pepa Milonga” and práctica “Dos Orillas”.
Classes and Práctica at la “Plaza del Centro” at the CCK.
“Lady ́s Tango Week 2018” en Bs AS.
Classes and Exhibition at 10mo Festival “Tango Salón Extremo 2018
Classes and Exhibition at “Pablito ́s Tango Encuentro” Sídney, Australia.
Classes at “GallaDance” and judges at “Champions ́Ball ́18“ Moscú, Rusia.
Classes and Exhibition in China, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen.
“The Tango Weekend São Paulo” and “São Paulo Tango Festival”, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Classes at Práctica “Cheek to Cheek” and at the “Academia Nacional del Tango”.
Awarded from Academia Nacional del Tango los Diplomas de “Académicos Integrantes del Cuadro de la Generación Intermedia” and recognition award.
Exhibition at “Yira Yira Milonga”, “Peñas Milongueras” at CCK, Práctica “Cheek to Cheek”.
Tours: Workshops and Exhibitions.
China – Schenzhen – “Luna Tango”, Shanghai – “Tango LalaLan”, Beijing “Beijing Tango Marathon”.
Taiwan – Tainan, Kaohsiung y Taipei “Tanguísimo”. Seúl – Korea – “Tango Collegium”.
Sydney – Australia “Pablito’s Tango”.
Italia – Roma – “The Living”.
Alemania – Hamburgo “ Hamburger Winter Tango Festival” and Freiburg “Tango Wochenende Invierno”.
11vo Festival “Tango Salon Extremo 2019” Bs As – Classes and Exhibition. “Chile Tango Osorno 2019” Judges at Tango en Osorno, Chile.
“10ma Bienal de Tango de Florianopolis 2019” Florianópolis – Brazil
Classes at Práctica “Cheek to Cheek”.
“ Milonga El Entrevero” Club Fulgor de Villa Crespo. “Milonga de los Domingos” at Salón El Beso.
“Lady’s Tango Week” “Milonga Parakultural” at Salon Canning.
Online classes at “Astoria Tango Club” (NY- USA), “Unidos Tango Festival” (Festival Solidario Online), “Esquina Tango Austin” (Austin-USA)
Classes at Práctica “Cheek to Cheek”.
Online Classes
Exhibition at “Milonga Malena” .
“The Weekend Tango Sâo Paulo ” Classes and Exhibition at hotel Meliá Sâo Paulo, Brazil.
“Gavito Tango Festival” Los Angeles, California, USA. Classes and Exhibition
Exhibitions “Milonga en lo de Balmaceda” y “Milonga Malena”.
“Juernes Milonga”, “Floreal Milonga”, “Gente Amiga”, “Milonga de los Domingos” Performance.
“Yira Yira Milonga” Performance and Lorena Ermocia’s recognition award.
“Bienal de Tango de Florianópolis” Florianópolis, Brazil. Workshops and performances
“Gavito Tango Festival” Los Angeles, CA y “Tanda” Milonga, Miami, USA. Workshops and performances
“ATUSA” Official Argentine Tango Competition, San Jose, CA, USA. Judges, workshops and performances
“Bailamos Tango en Seoul 2024” Seul, Korea. “Esquina Tango” Austin, USA. Workshops and performances