Esquina loves the diversity of our little corner and is committed to creating a home for all of us! At Esquina, we are invested in making sure that everyone feels welcomed and celebrated.
LGBTQ+ community members are a vibrant and beloved part of our Esquina family and we want to create spaces to build community and foster the experience of home and belonging as we play and dance together.
We are excited to create frequent spaces by and for our LGBTQ+ loves. Some of us rather be called queer than delve into the alphabet soup of the many possibilities of our identities and some of us rather keep the alphabet. Either way, we love us and Esquina loves us and these free queer dance classes are spaces led by us and created for us!
Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook and visit this page often to find out when the next free LGBTQ+ dance class will be offered! If you haven’t met our gorgeous and talented queer dance teachers you are going to be amazed!
While you wait for our next queer dance class, grab your dancing shoes (aka anything you want to put on your feet), and join us at any/all of our events and dance classes!
You belong here!
The project is supported in part by the City of Austin Economic Development Deparment