Esquina Tango Presents

Barrio Sur

So excited to have live tango music back in our little corner! Come to listen, come to dance the night away!

Saturday, April 5th

Location: Esquina Tango, 209 Pedernales St., Austin TX 78702

Price: Online below $17 general  / At the door: $20  

🎟️ Get your tickets below * Please note that you can choose the “platforms service charge”

8:00pm – 11:30pm  Milonga with live music and DJ

What is a milonga? A milonga is a popular social event where people of all levels dance tangos, vals, or milongas! No partner needed to come to a milonga. At Esquina Tango there is no dress code, you can wear your lovely evening attire or relaxed jeans…we welcome you all! Leading and following are available to all and not attached to gender.

It’s all about Tango…
About Barrio Sur: Barrio Sur was born with one purpose in mind: to bring to Austin the feeling of traditional Tango music from Argentina. This musical experience began when Buenos Aires born vocalist Carlos Perez and guitar player Sergio Barrios, joined efforts with piano player Oscar García at the beginning of 2016. In late 2019, double bass player Jessica Vallls joined the group, contributing significantly with his talent and freshness. Sergio, Oscar and Jessica have an extensive musical careers and a strong connection with Tango music. Carlos, being a porteño, was exposed to this beautiful music early on. He quickly grew to love it, and later, began to develop a passion for singing it. Barrio Sur will transport you to a time in which love and passion were expressed with heartfelt lyrics; to a dark and smoky Buenos Aires, where the “malevos y malandrines” shared a glass of champagne with the “dandis y pitucos”, while trying to impress ladies at the “Milonga” with the sensous Tango. Join Barrio Sur with special guest Julia Gottheil!